We have finished the first training and I am honored to have been the sustainer of the process of exquisite, noble and dedicated human beings, each in their own unique and individual way.
Some are called and prepared to share their experiences in sessions and workshops. This is why we wanted to present them in this section of the website, so that you have access to a tantra accompaniment in different parts of Spain and South America, by people who have traveled on a sincere and profound journey, and who know the essence of tantra through their own experience. This seems fundamental to me at a time when tantra is becoming fashionable and there are many misunderstandings and lack of depth.
Tantra is a spiritual path that sees the divine in all that is manifest. The creation and the creator are considered one. The body is not divided of the spirit
Tantra understands duality as the friction that life generates: positive-negative, light-darkness, man-woman, energy-matter, sex-spirit, etc … When this duality ceases to be a conflict friction where one denies the other; when you accept and understand your own duality; to live becomes a joyful dance, a celebration. Tantra neither denies nor favours sex, it simply investigates human nature as it is, without any moral evaluation. A Tantric loves his body, his mind, his heart and his spirit. Their path to consciousness and joy is their understanding, acceptance and awareness.
In a tantra session we bring awareness to the flow of vital energy through your body. You are supported to inhabit the physical and emotional body, to release the emotions and tensions stored from the past in the muscular shell so that you can recover the innocent sensuality of the body, sensitize it, inhabit it with joy and recover it as the temple of your love and alive consciousness and incarnated.
We usually advise a minimum of 5 sessions so you can experiment and integrate some of this experience.
This process involves: opening the respiratory capacity, the fluidity in the fascia, the relaxation of the diaphragm, the pericardium and the pelvic area, the awareness of how you relate to your body and the beliefs that block your vitality and joy of life.
Tantra techniques also include sexual and emotional healing. The health of the individual is restored when he releases the past and surrenders to the living present happening. Tantric massage is also meant to remind the body as a joyful flow of vital energy. A tantric massage is not an erotic massage with a happy ending, it is an act of deep love and meditation that unifies the body and teaches you to recognize and expand your vital, sexual, emotional, creative and blissful energy in a natural, free and responsible way.
As we tend to think instead of feeling, we live in a fragmented body. Tantra contemplates the body as a unit. All parts of the body are considered sacred including the breasts and genitals. Each part of the body expresses the vital energy in a different way, but all are honoured and the lost consciousness by judgments or moral dogmas is returned to them. This is a simple and complex process at the same time because we release all parts of the body from their painful memories and castrating judgments so that the vital energy flows joyfully from sex to the heart and from the heart to the head.
So it can be said that it is a holistic meditative massage that includes the genitals and that teaches you to breathe in every part of the body and release its contained energy. For the first time they will teach you without morbidity or judgment, to claim your sexual, sensual, loving and ecstatic energy without focusing on an object of desire but you taking charge of it with absolute totality. That makes you free and allows you to recover the self-love you need before sharing with others.
In this way we approach the body with absolute and true innocent naturalness. Exempt from judgments and comparisons, in its natural fluidity, comfort and freedom. We divert the attention of the mind to the present of the body: What do I feel now?
We discover the thoughts and beliefs that block the body and its vital, sexual energy, etc., we question them and free them from their emotional charge by providing space so that new experiences can be anchored in the body, experiences of fluidity, pleasure, strength, joy, celebration, sensuality, love, trust, in addition to providing the containment to experience that going through the painful and frightening moments is possible, that your consciousness can sustain everything.
By exposing the body and broadening awareness about its ability to enjoy and feel subtleties we will encounter shame, shame with modesty, fear and distrust. By exposing ourselves to listening, to the investigation of our sexual energy, of joy, of pleasure, etc … we will come across our energetic habits and our limiting beliefs about it, morality, dogmas, etc …
A healing goes beyond a physical contact or purely therapeutic, a healing requires love, wisdom and relaxation and full confidence. Healing can happen in a second if the realization occurs and the delivery occurs at the moment. That requires full confidence and relaxation, something that only the love that is in everything can give.
It is important that you read this, understand and consent to take full responsibility for everything that emerges in the process.
You will be treated with absolute love and respect and accompanied by your internal landscapes. The facilitator will be the guide. It is not subordinated to your wishes of momentary satisfaction, but to the process that you consider appropriate according to the real needs of your being. You will be guided and given guidelines so that you learn to direct your energy from sex to the heart and from there to your whole being. It will teach you to meditate on your body as a temple and to channel your sexual, emotional and spiritual energy so that you recognize the fullness of your embodied being and include all your aspects. The facilitator will return you again and again to be the owner of your own energy and not project it on him or her. There is no sexual contact between the facilitator and the receiver.
Tantric massage | Conscious Massage | Individual sessions | Couple sessions in Barcelona and Vilanova i la Geltrú.
Language: Spanish | English
Tantra with Astiko | Clinic and Humanist Psychosomatic | Gestalt Therapy at the Institut Gestalt of Barcelona | Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Language: Spanish | English | Japanese | Català
Tantra workshops | Tantra Woman | Private sessions – Individual and couples | Tantric massage | Emotional awareness and inner transformation
Barcelona, national and international by request.
Language: Spanish | English
Tantra for all | Tantra for women| Tantra for couples |Classes, workshops and retreats | Online & In person
Language: Spanish | English
Tantra for men | Tantra for couples | Kundalini Yoga
Language: Spanish | English | Hebrew
Tantra for women | Tantra for Couples | Kundalini yoga for women with 15 years of experience | Codependency | Private consultation and accompaniment of couples in their transformation.
Language: Spanish | English
Individual and group sessions: Tantra (Who I am? Love and Life Presence) | Healthy relationships with myself and with others (Codependency and Integration of the inner child) | Tantric massage | Osho Active Meditation.
Language: Spanish | English | French
Bodyworker | Expert in Tantra and Gestalt | In processes to connect with enjoyment | Individual and couple sessions | Tantra for Women, Couples and Mixed | Tantra classes | Conscious Touch Massage.
Language: Spanish | English
Initiation to Tantra | Women, Men and Couples | Sexual healing | Tantra Hatha Yoga | Meditation | Groups | Individual sessions | Retreats and trips.
Language: Spanish | English | French | Italian | Portuguese